RIVERSIDE RESOLUTIONSRinging Ones They are too, and Pure in Tone.At a meeting held at the Riverside precinct, Cooweescoowee district on the 1st day of Septermber 1888, J.B. Cobb, Sr., was called to the chair and the following resolutions passed: whereas, there has been a failure by our national council to lease the grazing privileges of the Cherokee lands west of the 96th meridan, and it appears almost beyond a doubt that a majority of our council have conspired with the present occupants of the franchise the (Cherokee Strip Live Stock association) to defeat all efforts of the chief to lease it to the highest responsible bidder, and by their efforts to assist the present occupants in obtaining the grazing privilege for much less than its value - thereby enriching the company known as the Cherokee Strip Live Stock association and robbing their constituents, the Cherokee people. And whereas, it is rumored and generally believed taht said Cherokee Strip Live stock association has been guilty of using money in this country, at the last election, for the purpose of electing such men to office as could be made us of by them in re-leasing the franchise now held by them to the detriment of the Cherokee people. And whereas, it is positively know that said company have attempted bo bribe some of our councilors by offering them money for their vote and did pay one Joe Tap for his vote, but failed to get it, and also said company have used whisky and money to corrupt our councilors - and the president and others of said Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association are now under indictment at Fort Smith for introducing intoxicating liquors into the Cherokee nation in violation of law. Therefore, Be it resolved, that we condemn the action of the majority in council for showing such partiality to the present occupants of said franchise. Furthermore, we condemn them for objecting to advertise to highest responsible bidder. We condemn them for the treatment given to those bidders that appeared before the senate committee, namely the Northwest Live Stock Association and the Waco Cattle Co. We condemn the vote to lease for $125,000 to said C.S.I.,S association and witness with sorrow those that once were called patriots dragging slowly along, grudgingly raising the bid to $175,000 as they were forced to do by the Chief's veto and the noble minority that supported him. Said majority contending for $135,000, voting for $150,000 and continuing to vote for the lowest bid at all times when offered by said company in possession. Be it further resolved, that we condemn the action of council in giving the preference to the present occupants in the bid of $175,000 that was first offerred by the Waco Cattle Co., and believe Waco Cattle Com., was justly entitled to the bid and that their security was just as good as that of the present occupants and said occupants should have bid higher if they wished to obtain the franchise. Be it further resolved, that we condemn the senate committe for their report in regard to the certified checks deposited with the national treasurer as security for their bids by the North and West Cattle Co., and the Waco Cattle Co. and consider it an insult to the intelligence of the Cherokee people not to know the value of commercial paper. Be it further resolved, that we endorse the action taken by the chief throughout and those of the national council that supported him in trying to obtain the most money for the above named franchise, and consider him a benefactor of his people in saving to the Cherokee nation $250,000, the difference between the first and last bid of the company now in possession of said franchise. We hereby pledge ourselves to support him in still trying to obtain the full value of the above named franchise, and believe the only fair way to do so is to let the aboved named franchise to the highest responsible bidder above $175,000 per annum. Sealed bids should be received and a day set for that purpose. Be it further resolved, that we do not consider the Cherokee nation under any obligations to the C.S.L.S. association in any way whatever, and the insinuations of their not giving up the franchise at the expiration of their time by one of our delegation we treat with contempt and recommend that they be removed as soon as their term expires and that the chief so notify them. Be it further resolved, that the thanks of this community be tendered the INDIAN CHIEFTAIN, TELEPHONE AND ADVOCATE for their support and fearless defence of the Cherokee people, and that said newpapers above mentioned be requested to publish these resolutions. [Signed:] ----------------------------------- Sources: "Riverside Resolutions - denouncing the Cherokee Strip Livestock Assoc." - Indian Chieftain. (Vinita, Indian Terr.), Vol. 7, No. 2, Ed. 1, Thursday, September 20, 1888
More on James Alexander Norman, including his call for an Indian State can be found on the Norman History page. |